Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Massive heart attack on NYSE - BIDU earnings-The CULPRIT

New York, NY (YAnews). 7/25/2007:
Numerous online traders were found staring at their computer screens going wild after hours on Bidu’s quarter release. Our news reports indicate more than a few hundred froze seeing BIDU jump higher than 40 bucks. One broker had a massive heart attack and was taken out of the exchaneg saying that was an error at the board.
No one was killed YET. Looks like one of our cameraman, staring at the Big Board at the NYSE had severe cramps and was rolling on the floor. Luckily the reporter had a bunch of keys in her hand and reports say he is fine now and is being moved to the nearest hospital. In California, reports mention, a traderwho was ’short’ BIDU since this morning went crazy and was caught running on I-5 barefoot to reach his brokers office. He was soon moved to the nearest psychological doctor.
Keep listening to YAnews to get the latestupdates. Good Luck with your investments.

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